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Private Air Travel Increases


We’ve seen a significant increase in the number of travellers opting to use private chartered aircraft to visit the North East. This applies to both business visitors and those travelling for leisure purposes. It seems that the main reasons given for this preference is that both private air travel and chauffeur car hire are currently together the safest travel options during the Covid-19 pandemic. Safety protocols are, of course, strictly adhered to, with cleaning and sanitising regimes, together with face masks and social distancing for maximum protection. Combine this with the convenience of no queues and no wasted time with pre-flight check-in, it’s no wonder that this is growing in popularity. Everything is arranged around your plans, so you don’t need to adhere to someone else’s inconvenient schedule, in fact with airside access for our chauffeur cars, all of the recent arrivals and departures have been managed in around 3 - 4 minutes! Add to this our environmental initiative to completely offset our carbon footprint by planting trees also mitigates any environmental impact of our business operations.

For more information about connecting your chauffeur car hire with your private air travel either email or call 0333 666 1777.

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